Jake Arrieta
Curses! Cubs haven't been the same since appearing on SI cover
Jake Arrieta

Curses! Cubs haven't been the same since appearing on SI cover

Published Sep. 4, 2015 2:10 p.m. ET

You don't believe in silly things like curses, do you Cubs fans?

Oh wait, our apologies.

Well, here's another one for you to chew, one you've heard of forever and now it's tightened it's grip on your lovable Cubbies -- yep, Sports Illustrated. The magazine came out with a regional cover showing the sizzling Cubs, an issue that was made available online late on Aug. 25.

The Chicago Sun-Times astutely pointed this out:


"So that issue showing Kris Byrant ready to be greeted at home plate at Wrigley Field by his ecstatic teammates after hitting a home run . . . well, since that cover appearance, starting on the following day, the Cubs have won only two of eight."

One of those wins was the joyous Jake Arrieta no-hitter at Dodger Stadium -- and if there really was such a thing as a curse, wouldn't that E4 have been ruled a hit?

Still, since that no-no, the Cubs lost two out of three to the disassembled Cincinnati Reds, getting outscored 24-15 at Wrigley.

Yes, since the cover the Cubs have played some boneheaded baseball and cooled considerably. But you don't believe in curses, right?

(h/t Chicago Sun-Times)


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